A large Group of Eight (Go8) university was embarking on a multi-year, $100+ million transformation of its student management system (SMS), in order to modernise legacy infrastructure and improve the student experience. The program sponsor engaged AptoNow to establish a Program Management Office (PMO) and conduct a review of implementation readiness to de-risk the transformation.
Our team worked collaboratively to develop and embed program management best practices , and review program readiness.
Over a 3-month intensive engagement, AptoNow worked with the client team to develop and embed rigorous program management routines, as well as identify strategic recommendations for the overall delivery approach. Key activities included:
Developed frameworks, tools and templates – worked with key stakeholders to rapidly develop and refine key artefacts for executive reporting, workstream planning
Defined preferred ways of working and ‘blended Agile’ routines – facilitated a collaborative process to define preferred ways of working, and adapt the client’s preferred Agile methodology to work with the vendor’s more traditional waterfall approach.
Built an investment prioritisation framework – developed a rigorous methodology for scoring and prioritising decision-making around investment scope.
Reviewed delivery approach and program structure – reviewed the program master plan, workstream structure and delivery approach against critical best practices, and developed a recommended approach.
Wrote a refreshed Investment Case to the University Council – based on our review, AptoNow wrote a refreshed Investment Case to summarise critical strategic and operational recommendations, and give Council the confidence to proceed with the investment.
Our work was highly commended, and gave the University Executive and Council confidence to proceed with this major investment
Both AptoNow’s key deliverables, and our engagement style was extremely well-received by the client, and informed a decision by the University Council the proceed with this major investment. The project was commended by senior executives as helping the University to significantly de-risk this critical enterprise transformation.
